Starchild Enroll Form

    Enrollment Form



    Date :



    The Entrant :


    Child's Name


    Child's Birthday

    Child's Age

    Home Address


    Contact Info:





    Home Phone

    Work Phone

    Cell Phone

    Emergency Contact Person

    Contact's Phone


    Service Info


    Times you plan to drop your child off

    Times you plan to pick up your child


    Your Child's Health

    CHILD'S HEALTH RECORD :(A copy of your child's immunizations and current physical will be needed)

    General state of health :

    Doctor's Name :

    Doctor's Phone Number :

    Are your child's immunizations up to date? 

    Does your child have any known allergies?

    Does your child have any medical conditions which we should be made aware of?


    (Please attach a copy of immunizations. This should include the signature of nurse or doctor who administered medications.)

    Has your child had the following common childhood illnesses? please ☑

    Does your child have any problems with any of these?

    Has your child had any of these diseases?

    Does your child have any speech, hearing of visual problems?

    Would there be any restrictions to play or activities? If yes, please explain.


    About your child at Daycare

    Has your child ever been in child care before?

    If yes, was it positive experience?

    Why are you looking for child care?

    How does your child feel about daycare and being left by his/her mommy/daddy?

    Are there any recent troumatic situations the child has been exposed to such as a death in the family, divorce, new sibling, etc?

    What is your normal method of discipline?

    What is your child's temperament? Are they easy going, hard to please, demanding, aggressive, etc.

    Are there any food restrictions?

    What is your child's favourite food?

    What food does your child dislike?

    Can your child be relied upon to indicate bathroom wishes?

    What time does your child awaken?


    Are there any siblings? Please name them and specify ages and gender.











    Has your child had experience playing with other children?

    What language(s) are spoken at home?

    Does your child have any security objects such as a blanket, soother, bottle, toy, etc?

    What are your child's favorite activities, toys, books, or games?

    Are there any other comments of information you would like to let me know about?

    Any specific concerns?